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Thought for the Day

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thought for the day

Don't be afraid

During this Corona virus pandemic there's been a lot to fear. The unseen enemy... many are calling it. Today I want us to think about being afraid & also about not being afraid.
I'll be honest – I've been frequently afraid recently & I guess most of us have been. Afraid for our loved ones, especially our elderly folk in care homes, our NHS & care workers, our essential workers, our finances, our jobs, our own health.... the list is endless.

They say it's good to talk ...... so that's why I'm encouraging us to think about this today. But firstly, it doesn't mean we've got a mental health problem – because we're afraid. In fact the opposite, being fearful & cautious & staying safe at home is good sense. But being afraid for long periods of time is not good.

God knows this & the bible has some good advice for us. In fact 365 times – that's once for every day in the year. Yes these words appear 365 times – DON'T BE AFRIAD or 'FEAR NOT' as the King James Bible puts it. The most frequently said words in the bible. So I'd like to invite you every day, to remind yourself of God's words – 'Don't be afraid'. Thinking & praying about not being afraid, is a good way to start the day.

Jesus also says I will be with you always, so we can know that, we are not alone. Jesus is with us. He also said He would leave His Peace with us. In the future, as we come out of lockdown ..... When we feel anxious (& I'm sure, we will, as we start getting back to normal) let's remember God's most often spoken words of advice to us. These words will bring us comfort & courage & will encourage us to move forward, into this new normal phase of life. Yes, lets remind ourselves every day, that Jesus says to us, 'Don't be afraid, I am with you always'. Amen

God bless,

Thankyou to Christine Campy, Local Preacher and member of our church at Seamer, for her Thought for the Day

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