The Revd Dr Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference, has released the following statement regarding the current political situation.
It is right that there is a passionate debate about Brexit, but there is much about the tone of the current debate that is concerning, sometimes it appears that many are committed to win regardless of the cost.
Our nation flourishes when we are able to respect and love one another – even those with whom we might fundamentally disagree. I am disturbed that the current political situation is apparently eroding our ability to be a society that nurtures such respect and love.
Our constitution is being tested. Opinions appear to have become more entrenched and extreme as the scramble to win continues. The recent vitriol and hatred expressed towards MPs across the political spectrum, who seek to serve their constituents with diligence and integrity, is a deeply worrying symptom of the recent discourse.
I pray that we can see past the chaos of the moment and focus on the kind of society in which we wish to live. The yardstick for our actions should not be "Does it help me win today's battle?" rather whether it helps us create the sort of society in which all of us can flourish.
God of bounty and brilliance
When public life is tarnished
When we fail to discern the common good
And when some shine at the expense of others,
Whatever our political allegiance and persuasion
Conform us to your will and your way
Rev Andrew Robinson
15 North Road
Stokesley, North Yorkshire