God in Love Unites Us: Marriage and Relationship Roadshow
Why are we having a roadshow?
'God in Love Unites Us' -- the 2019 Methodist Conference made some important recommendations about the Methodist position on marriage and relationships. In the Spring of 2020, District Synods will be considering and voting on these recommendations and feeding back to the Conference.
What will happen?
The Darlington District is offering a series of local opportunities to reflect on the recommendations of the Marriage and Relationships report. The aim of the evenings is to provide an opportunity for open, honest, respectful sharing, for prayer and conversation about how God is calling the Methodist Church at this time and reflection on what this may mean for local churches and circuits.
Who is it for?
Each session is open to anyone from across the district. Please note, it is particularly important that Synod reps attend at least one session.
When is it taking place?
Consultations will take place at 28 November 2019, Thursday at Stokesley Methodist Church, Stokesley Circuit beginning 7pm with tea and coffee and sessions running from 7.30-9.30.
Film – The work of the Marriage and Relationships Task Group
Rev Andrew Robinson
15 North Road
Stokesley, North Yorkshire