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Methodist Circuit


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About us
Our chapel is situated in the village of Carlton-in-Cleveland on the edge of the North Yorkshire Moors. We meet regularly for worship on Sunday mornings at 10.30am, which is occasionally followed by lunch on special occasions such as harvest, church anniversary and Easter. In November, we also have a special coffee morning with craft stalls, games and a visit from Father Christmas.

  • On the first Sunday of the month we have Sandwich Sunday where we all bring a sandwich and retire to our hall to eat. Pudding and tea or coffee is provided and we have a time of fellowship together. On other Sundays we have a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits in the chapel after the service.
  • On the second Tuesday of the month we provide soup and sandwiches for the community at a small cost.
  • On the third Tuesday of the month we have Tuesday at Two our fellowship meeting where we have a variety of speakers.
  • We have an annual chapel outing to places such as Great Fryup Café, Whitby by train and local restaurants.
  • Also following on from our Carol Service at Christmas we have a meal together at a local restaurant after the carol service.

Did you know?
Members of our church made a banner to represent the Stokesley Circuit, which is a group of churches in the area we are part of. Our banner was presented at a service along with other banners created by circuits in the Darlington Methodist District. The banner now hangs in Carlton Methodist chapel.

Our Minister is Rev Andrew Robinson, the Circuit Superintendent
Details of how to find us, and our upcoming services can be found at the bottom of the page.

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Registered Charity No. 1147112

Get In Touch

Rev Andrew Robinson
15 North Road
Stokesley, North Yorkshire

01642 710358

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Stokesley Methodist Circuit